Saturday, July 21, 2012

Yoga, Fashion, etc...

Hello friends!!! Its hard to keep you fit and healthy in monsoon. So here I am a  Yogaholic to give you some suggestions to stay healthY and happy.

You should start a day with the yoga, start with bits and pieces , don't think one day practice and all the exercise will make you fit.

1. Sun Rotations: These seven steps help you a lot in toning, elongating your spice, gives you nice stretch and yes glow to your face. Start with 10 sets.
Please keep in mind, Its not important how many sets you complete, its important to keep the right technique up with the right inhale and exhale.

2. Singh Archana: Its a lion pose. Its give you a instant glow to face and opens you voice. Its helps those who feel shy while speaking. Sits on cat pose, and take out you tongue and try to roar like lion. Once you are done sits on you keeps and gives a massage to your neck. Try this 10-15 times
Beginners can keep their knees down.

3: Warrior pose: Its a contemporary yoga style. You can also say its a modified form of Surya Namaskar. Trust me its painful in beginning but it gives you a wonderful results. Try to hold this pose to count of 10 in every step, in beginning. You can  increase your counting gradually to 30-40.
This pose gives you strength to fight with your problem in your life and also teaches you the patience. Beside this it gives you awsome toning in hamstrings , arm pits, and side of the waist.

That's all for today!! I have just started writing it. Please put you queries below so that I can reply you on that. I'll post a new blog soon explaining mores steps.


Gus night